TilburgsAns is five years old

Time to look back how the typeface found its way in Tilburg – and abroad

Cinq Ans #3: Print, print, print

TilburgsAns was launched on April 10, 2016. The next day, the first poetry book was published, printed in this typeface. It was 'Bromtol' by Jace van de Ven. There are too many printworks in TilburgsAns to mention them all, but we give you a firm grasp of Ans’ oeuvre.

More poetry editions were printed in this typeface: ‘Mariagedichten’ in May 2016, ‘Toverstad’ by city poet Martin Beversluis in 2017, ‘11 elfjes’ by eight year old Floor Jongenelen in 2019 and ‘Plein van de Hemelse Vreettent’ in 2020.
TilburgsAns was also used for postcards, by print shop Zeedauw and photographer Rudi Klumpkens. And a stamp was designed by Nicole van Beers. Many newsletters use the typeface, for instance Wijkkrant Oud Noord, Wijkkrant Koningshaven, Wijkkrant de Koppel and newsletter Stadstuin Theresia. Other print works are the brochures by TijdLab in the LocHal, Open Monumentendag, Palace to Be, Vincents Tekenlokaal, De jaarlijkse Taolbèttel, Driekoningenzingen, Picknick concerts in the Wilhelminapark and Beethoven op de fiets, a publication about Tilburgse Erfgoedmakers, a brochure by the fire department, booklets by festival Tilt and Boeken rond het Paleis, the children's book ‘Harrie den Haon’, magazine De Draad and the book ‘Snakken en Gramlachjes’.